Thursday, March 3, 2011

Eric Adams, State Senator, Exposes Ease Of Gun Clip Sales (VIDEO)
First Posted: 03/ 2/11 11:52 AM Updated: 03/ 2/11 03:18 PM

A Daily News video shows it's surprisingly easy tobuy high-capacity gun clips, like the ones used by Jared Loughner, in New York state (see video below).

The newspaper followed State Sen. Eric Adams with a hidden camera as he visited two gun stores near Albany that "routinely sell the high-capacity clips."

It is illegal to sell clips (that hold up to 30 bullets) made after 1994 in New York state, but both stores said they sold the old versions, which are still legal.

From the Daily News:

At Guns Inc. in Rensselaer, a Daily News hidden camera looked on as Adams bought two 30-round magazines for an AK-47 assault rifle.

The senator used his credit card to buy the clips - at $42.19 each - and walked out less than five minutes later without even having to show identification.

At B&J Shooting Supply in Colonie, there were no large volume magazines in stock, but the store was expecting more "any time now."

The problem with New York's current law, legal experts said, is that it's very difficult to determine when a gun magazine was made. Manufacturers don't have to print a date for when the clips were manufactured.

Adams plans to propose legislation that would forbid all high-capacity magazines from being sold.

"This bill is going to close the loophole so the clips are banned, period," Adams said.

"The more rounds you're able to discharge prior to having to reload, the more dangerous you are."

This is not the first time a New York politician tried to expose gun purchasing loopholes. Mayor Bloomberg garnered national headlines when he sent a team of undercover agents from New York City to Arizona gun shows where hidden cameras showed agents buying guns without undergoing background checks.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer mocked Bloomberg's efforts and said the mayor should worry about crime in his own city.

Adams also said New York needed to take care of problems in its own backyard.

"Before we can deal with Arizona, we need clean up our own state" Adams said.

Adams appears impressively calm in the video, given that he's misleading a man surrounded by shelves of weapons. But of course Adams is no stranger to making eye-catching videos. The Brooklyn Democrat made a YouTube video telling parents how to spy on their kids to prevent them from bringing guns and drugs into the home

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