Another hue and cry is going forth to demonize guns for society's ills. Firearms are now the latest whipping boy for some in our country who continue to blindly focus more on what type of weapon was used rather than what lead to it's misuse.

It is easy for anti-gun groups to fault an inanimate object under the control of someone as the basis for violence involving firearms instead of more relevant factors.

Blaming a pencil for misspelling words may be an oversimplistic analogy, but it accurately describes the gun grabber's mindset when it comes to assigning fault for gun violence. They can pass more gun laws, other laws and pile them on the huge stack of current laws relating to acts of violence till it reaches the sky.

Laws do not stop criminals or those who have lost control and are determined to harm society. Laws can only provide punishment for those who violate the law after the fact.

The death penalty, life or multiple years in prison sentences prove on a daily basis that laws do not prevent homicides or shootings. Laws are only as good as the people who obey them.

The federal assault weapons ban expired in 2004 and there has not been a Wild West syndrome as predicted by the anti-gun alarmists. Now they conveniently want to reinstate it to selfishly exploit the tragic Arizona shootings.

The prevention of violence itself is where our efforts need to increase. In many cases of violence there were early warning signs that were overlooked, ignored or there were insufficient resources to act upon the symptoms.