Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Gun-Slinging Women Who Won

Mauled by the Mama Grizzlies: The gun-slinging, god-fearing conservative women who won in America's heartland

By Tom Leonard

Last updated at on 4th November 2010

Kristi from South Dakota hunts elk with a bow, Nikki from Carolina has a concealed gun permit and Michele from Minnesota thinks all Americans should be ‘armed and dangerous’ with anyone who tries to limit their gas-guzzling ways.

Welcome to the class of 2010, the fierce ‘mama grizzlies’ who won US congressional seats and state governorships in the midterm elections.
It was the former vice-presidential contender Sarah Palin who hailed the arrival of the tough-talking, God-fearing, anti-abortion, staunchly conservative women like her.

All manner of unlikely political animals emerged from the American heartlands.

A few, including the two most contentious, were felled in the final stretch. Christine O’Donnell, the controversial Tea Partier who admitted practising witchcraft and claims scientists have created mice with human brains, lost her senate race in Delaware.

In Nevada, Sharron Angle, another outspoken Tea Party candidate and Palin endorsee, failed to oust Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader.  Angle, who likes to brandish a .44 Magnum handgun, had made a string of gaffes, culminating when she told a group of Hispanic students that they looked Asian.

However, in general, it was a good night for the mama grizzlies and for Palin, whose credibility if she runs for president – as many believe she will – has been strengthened by the fact that at least 48 of the 77 candidates she endorsed were successful.

That 77 include 20 women, mama grizzlies she predicted would ‘rise up on their hind legs’ in a year ‘when common sense conservative women get things done for our country’.

 Like Palin, they are Washington outsiders who ran on a ticket of lower taxes, smaller government and personal responsibility.

Many have emerged from nowhere, housewives or office workers who – like Kristi Noem who entered politics just four years ago – decided to run because they were so depressed by the alternatives.

Noem, a new Representative for South Dakota, is a glamorous 38-year-old mother of three who hunts at weekends. She has been dubbed the ‘next Sarah Palin’ but has distanced herself from the other woman. She is also a model of Midwestern self-sufficiency – she took over her father’s huge farm when he died and can drive a combine harvester.

As one might expect of a woman who hunts elk with a bow and prairie dogs with a rifle, she is big on gun rights and pushed through a state law that abolished the need for anyone buying a gun to obtain a federal permit.

But she is an ideological lightweight compared to Tea Party darling Michele Bachmann. The Minnesota congresswoman has said America is becoming a ‘nation of slaves’ under the Obama ‘tyranny’.

She has accused the gay community of targeting children and once expressed fears that the Obama government would set up re-education camps to brainwash the young into political correctness.

The toughness of some of the mama grizzlies has startled opponents. Maureen Dowd, a liberal columnist in the New York Times, has christened them the ‘Republican Mean Girls…grown-up versions of those teenage tormentors who would steal your boyfriend, spray paint your locker and, just for good measure, spread rumours that you were pregnant’.

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